Best Kept Secret

Parenting, is when growing hair on your teeth takes on a whole new meaning. Well sometimes anyway.

My mom always used to say: “ You kids give me gray hairs”. I know exactly what she meant while I look in the mirror fishing out mine.

I would like to think the way my gran would… Grey hair is a sign of wisdom. That definitely does sound much more accomplished.

Looking back I think Granny had it much easier. The 1940/50’s was much better era to raise children.  I’m also sure she would have thought exactly the same as I am now, when she came across stumbling blocks when raising her 3 angels.

Like some would claim evolution in the human body, Moms over the ages can claim evolution in gray hairs. It ain’t wisdom any more. It is technology. Freedom of speech and all that jazz.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for individual freedom with healthy boundaries. An opportunity to raise daughters and sons, to know right from wrong. Yes from no. And those lengthy conversations why broccoli is good for you.

My lovely darling makes me prouder each day. I love her beyond words but if I knew then, what I know now! I would have found better ways to equip myself for this ginormous task of raising one.

Lets face it. Raising children is no walk in the park. It sometimes takes a lot of genius thinking on my part to not let her notice how hard I have to work to round up the troops, (all my little ducks) to strategise (get them in a row) on how to get her to to follow an instruction. Oh, lets say for instance my current uphill battle. Vegetables and everything else that’s good for you. Her. Me… Aargh you know where I’m going with this.

My Little Lovely has one of those taste buds that will only eat certain food that contains cheese, cheese and more cheese with a sprinkling of bread, mayo and if we lucky a pork chop and carrot stick along the way.

So understanding the battles all children face in having their taste buds develop to learn all about the fun world of different types foods. How do we bridge the gap with picky eaters?

No amount of convincing her, has helped me in this department and I sit with endless little bowls of left overs that just seem to take over my fridge.

So I came up with a little genius way of incorporating my culinary skills with everything mash … not just the potato kind.

I have come to learn a few strategies that helped me along the way, of feeding some wholesome meals to my daughter, which half of the time she thinks I am feeding her something better than the corner drive through take away joint.

My first tip of the day would be, to never let them know what you are up to. They can sniff it out better than a hound dog chasing a rabbit.

And secondly, find out what is their absolute go to meal. Lets go with nuggets. Everyone loves a nugget. I, personally like the gold ones. Melted into a ring oh Pretty and shiny.. Oeps ! Sorry back to the drawing board.

Now prepare yourself this might take a hour or so out of your day to prepare. But after that it’s a smooth run like a gazelle on the Savanna plains.

Ingredients for  (Add your name) ………………… kiddie proof nugget. – This is your recipe now our little secret.

1 medium potato

1 biggish carrot

1/2 head of either broccoli or cauliflower

Canned chickpeas or butter beans, I use about half a can. You definitely want to eliminate any trace of this so mash it!

Some cheese that is on the strong side like Parmesan or cheddar

1 Egg

1/4 cup Flour – Keep extra on hand incase you need it.

Bread crumbs (if its not a staple in your pantry then no stress)

Oil for frying

Herbs, spices and salt.

Prepare each veg as you normally would, like wash, peel and chop everything in chunks more or less same size.

In a pot of salted boiling water add the veggies in stages of cooking time so that you won’t end up with mush-mash of half cooked and half overcooked veg. For example add your carrots and potato first and halfway through the cauliflower and broccoli florets.

Add all the veg with the chickpeas in your blender or use your hand masher, and blits it up. Mash it as much as you think you would need to disguise whatever green stuff you are trying to hide.

In a mixing bowl add your grated cheese as much as you think is needed to camouflage your veggie combo. At this stage I would have a taste test if it needs some spices or herbs or perhaps more salt.

Remember you want this to taste better than MacD’s nuggets so don’t be scared to work through your spice rack.

My favorite spices to use are Cumin, Coriander Garlic and some Paprika. I would add about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon each to start with. You can always add more. You can never take away if you used to much.

Some of my favorite herbs you can also try is Sweet Basil or Rosemary and Parsley.

Add an egg and some flour to help bind it.  You can add more flour if you think its needed.

You should have a dough consistency that will allow you to make little patties for deep frying. If it’s a bit runny then don’t worry. This just converted from nuggets to fritters. Here we roll with the lemons to get the lemonade.

Making little patties roll it in bread crumbs (optional) and then deep fry until light brown or for healthier option bake them.

If it ends up that you cant make patties then dollop some with a spoon and deep fry as well you see Hakuna Matata!

The reason for the consistency of the dough is that veggies contain water and whatever you use might just have bit more in than others and it affects your batter. I run between nuggets and fritters myself.

Serve with some pink sauce (equal parts of mayo and tomato sauce) or some Sweet Chilli sauce. Now my dear darlings. You have the base of everything good. You can add what ever you feel like. Mince. Finely chopped cooked chicken. Some steamed fish. Variety of veg. The options are endless. Serve it hot or cold.

My daughter loves these and I am sure yours will as well.

Share pictures of the nuggets you made. I would love to see and hear from you. Don’t be shy to share your tips as well. We are all eager to learn.