Changing things Up

I have been exploring another avenue with expressing my creativeness and I thought what better place to share with you all. My favorite group of readers.

I am stepping out in confidence by not allowing myself  to be boxed in by where my creativeness lies.

I have been created for so much more than just painting or just writing blogs. Don’t you think that the same lies with you?  Do you also feel that sometimes life has us all standing next to measuring sticks and labels?

I know that sometimes our own insecurities keeps us from moving into greater area of being our true self. We are afraid we will fail and no one wants to feel like that. I know all to well. We place ourselves in a little safe zone and we stay in there as that is where we cannot get hurt or end up with egg on our face.

We are so much more than these little boxes and labels we and others have created. I think now is as good a time as ever to step out of the comfort zone. #SelfCare

I hope you find the enjoyment in my poems as much as I have when I wrote it.

PS -Please let me know what you think. Your positive comments mean the world to me!




Warm Red, Yellows and Gold.

I’ve been pre-conditioned

to stay away, keep afar.

Burning wounds kept growing ..


Fiery Tongues licking

Snapping, crackling

Feeling the warmth that you offer.

Holding my gaze


I’ve been pre-conditioned.

To stay away, keep afar

How I gaze at your beauty

Dancing in the darkness


Warm Red, Yellows and Gold

Calling me

Reaching out

Letting go

Of what I’ve been taught, that which you hold.


Grabbing hold

Consuming flames

Warmth turning to cold

Covering me in a blaze


Letting go of what I’ve been told

No more burning wounds

You hold






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